
On Sunday, January 28th, 2007, Jim Gray, a renowned computer scientist was reported missing at sea. As of Thursday, Feb. 1st, the US Coast Guard has called off the search, having found no trace of the boat or any of its emergency equipment.
Follow the story here.

Through the generous efforts of his friends, family, various communities and agencies, detailed satellite imagery has been made available for his last known whereabouts.

Please help in finding Jim Gray:

About Jim Gray:

Microsoft eScience Group
455 Market St, 16th fl., San Francisco, CA. 94105
Jim Gray is a researcher and manager of Microsoft Research’s eScience Group. His primary research interests are in databases and transaction processing systems — with particular focus on using computers to make scientists more productive. He and his group are working in the areas of astronomy, geography, hydrology, oceanography, biology, and health care. He continues a long-standing interest on building supercomputers with commodity components, thereby reducing the cost of storage, processing, and networking by factors of 10x to 1000x over low-volume solutions. This includes work on building fast networks, on building huge web servers with CyberBricks, and building very inexpensive and very high-performance storage servers.

Jim also is working with the astronomy community to build the world-wide telescope and has been active in building online databases like http://terraService.Net and When the entire world’s astronomy data is on the Internet and is accessible as a single distributed database, the Internet will be the world’s best telescope. This is part of the larger agenda of getting all information online and easily accessible (digital libraries, digital government, online science …). More generally, he is working with the science community (Oceanography, Hydrology, environmental monitoring, ..) to build the world-wide digital library that integrates all the world’s scientific literature and the data in one easily-accessible collection. He is active in the research community, is an ACM, NAE, NAS, and AAAS Fellow, and received the ACM Turing Award for his work on transaction processing. He also edits of a series of books on data management.


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40 ft C&C Sailboat Sail # 31869

Sailor: JIM GRAY

6’3”, 190 lbs. Gray Hair, White Beard

May be wearing green sweatshirt and/or red jacket. Missing since Sunday 1/28/07. Sailing from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallon Islands (25 miles west of San Francisco).